Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Hi everyone, I have just got back from Hull. I went to see Laura and Loretta of Double Take perform Investigation: Haunted House - and I was delighted by how well they did it. :) It has now been done in three schools and has been a real success with the children, who, of course, wanted to try some of the experiments that the children did in the play. Dr Mark Lorch did workshops with them. They built models of DNA, made rockets with bicarbonate of soda and vinegar, and experimented with electro-magnetism. It was all fun, and very different from the stuffy science lessons I remember. At the moment the play is touring in the Hull and Bradford areas, but it is expected to go south at a later date. I have finished the first draft of the children's novel to go with it, and Mark is writing an appendix for this, with details of the experiments. The whole project seems a great success. It has been described as having 'gone down a storm'. I am so tired I can hardly stand, so won't write more, but thank you all for following this. Pippa