Saturday, 17 March 2012

Meeting some important people

Hi everyone,

As usual I'm writing this in a hurry, in the library. I just wanted to tell you all that I have been up to Hull since I wrote last, and that I met Mark Lorch, the research chemist who is acting as my science advisor on the plays and novels. He was originally put in touch with me by novelist, Ann Lingard, because he wanted to do a Harry Potter type story, with real spells (ie. science) and I was looking for a scientist to collaborate with on my fiction ideas. We teemed up and Investigation: Haunted House was the result.

I hadn't been to Hull since I went to a pyjama party there, as a student. I remember walking up a street with my friends, all wearing our pyjamas... but not much else, so it was interesting to go back! I was slightly disappointed when Double Take (the theatre company that are doing the play) said they'd like to meet us in a service station, but we were okay as there was a Costa coffee there, and it was so interesting and exciting to meet them and to talk about the play that I forgot about everything else.

We decided that the play would start to tour schools in the Hull and Bradford areas from late May, so this means I am going to have to hurry up and finish the novel... Speaking of which... Argh! See you all again soon.

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